What is EU-MAN?
In 1997 the European Union Migrant Artists Network (EU-MAN) was established in Turku, Finland, and has continually worked to establish professional migrant artists who live and work in the EU region.
EU-MAN also publishes a quarterly magazine entitled Universal Colours, which focuses upon the work and experiences of professional migrant artists and also highlights the work of one artist in each issue.
European Union Migrant Artists’ Network
Manifest – Towards a Third Culture
In response to the social and political demands in building a multi-ethnic and multicultural society in the entire Continent of Europe; to participate and challenge the difficulties of a future in a multicultural society which impress and identifies most of the European inhabitants, native and migrant generations.
In a reality of migrant generations and all their segments that out of necessity became part and package and non collapsible of the European societies, our Network stated a practical participation to build a new image for the Culture in the New United Europe.
The European Union Migrant Artists Network (EU-MAN) comprised of Professional Migrant Artists and their affairs/expressions that live and work within the 15 EU countries region.
The aims of this network are cultural, do not seek any kind of profits or political moves; its responsibility is to arrange exhibitions, organize seminars, keep contact to and between its members, and finally build bridges between the migrant artists and his/hers native country, towards practical implementation of the multicultural society.
The mechanism to reach our aims is first to understand and comprehend and then to implement the third culture; to spread the conscious of this culture between the network’s members and its audience which consist of all sides and types of the European inhabitants.
The new Europe – after the Union’s foundation in 1995 – came in need to implement the coexistence and acceptance of a multicultural society. The European Union (EU) became a need and necessity more than any time before, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the same time a magnet to a new migration that included a large number of well educated people from the third world.
The migrants also found themselves in different atmospheres, different cultures and different nature; different in many levels to what they grow up with or learned in their native countries. These differences pushed them into feeling that they have to defend their own native cultures.
The main problem they had to face was the deep rooted culture they had to live with and their own equally deep rooted culture that had influenced radically their upbringing and thinking. This problem created a conflict between the two cultures.
Our Network feels that there is a way to resolve this problem; we suggest a cultural alternative that “The Third Culture” which will overcome the difficulties and shorten the distances between the native Europeans and those who migrated and became second generation natives during the decades before the founding of the EU.
The third culture is not compromising culture and is not prescription to some disease; it is simply an output of each migrant that came to Europe, and it is the natural result of the coexistence. The social and cultural harvest of any society is the hybrid ability that all European societies work on at this moment of history.
The cultural hybrid is the feature of the time, it is secretion of the new life which is controlled by the market’s policy and the world government; that is why we do not feel like moving in a strange horizon but we are in a parallel to the collective memory and the structure that concord Europe after the Union’s foundation.
The Third Culture is the combination consisted from the first culture, the past you lived and grew up with, the second culture the contemporary life with the hard attempt to understand and orientate with the effect to adapt a life that includes these two cultures without losing/missing one of them. That leads into innovate and create new ways of coexistence constantly.
Our Network deals with segments that work with art, the most sensitive field in life while responsible of building a taste, conscience and awareness. We must study this kind of new culture constantly, we must be aware of the progress of this culture while establishing an organization which can carry the responsibility of our role and in build a society adopt to the third culture for the coming decades.
Amir Khatib
1st of January 1997